The security of payment and shopping service is guaranteed thanks to SSL protocol

and proven operators of financial services such as Paynow and PayU.



1 The forms of payment available after selecting "Pay with Paynow Blik or online":

(Payment by card, digital wallet, online transfer)


Secure shopping with Visa or Mastercard credit card payment



2 Payment methods available after selecting "Pay now with PayU":

(Payment by card, online transfer)

Payment through PayU.

Purchases with PayU are characterized by the highest level of security. They guarantee that customers' funds reach the Seller's account quickly and safely.

PayU - Settlement Agent

On June 15, 2007, PayU SA received permission from the President of the National Bank of Poland to operate the PayU.PL authorization and settlement system as a Settlement Agent within the meaning of the Electronic Payment Instruments Act (Journal of Laws of October 11, 2002, No. 169, item 1385, as amended).

Contracts entered into by stores or online services with PayU guarantee clear settlement procedures and ensure the security of conducted transactions for the customer.

International PCI DSS certificate for PayU

According to the requirements of payment organizations, companies offering online payments should meet the stringent PCI DSS security standards. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is a global standard set by payment organizations (Visa, MasterCard) to protect cardholders' personal data and information related to payment card transactions. PayU meets strict international security standards.

Secure data transmission

Data transmission on the websites of services cooperating with PayU is carried out via SSL EV (Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, which provides the highest standard of identity authentication.

Protection against transactions that violate the law

PayU SA has many years of experience in handling payment card payments. We offer a chargeback guarantee to assume financial responsibility for transactions involving stolen or lost payment cards.


3D-Secure technology, which we use to process payments, helps us to improve the security level of online transactions. It relies on proper verification of payment cards before they are used, during which the cardholder uses a special password to confirm his or her identity.

Chamber of the Electronic Economy

PayU is a member of the Chamber of Electronic Economy. E-Izba is an organization of economic self-government that brings together entities conducting business in the area of e-Izba's operations in areas related to the electronic economy - the provision or sale of services by electronic means, information society services, electronic commerce, particularly the Internet industry, as well as non-profit organizations whose goals are consistent with those of e-Izba.